The “new” graphics look sad. They were fine before because it was a basic game, now they just look cheap. I HATE the kick back from the shotgun moving the guy around. I don’t play this game for realistic effects. (not that being kicked back 6 inches every time you shoot a 12 gauge is realistic) I play it for the simplicity and the fun of just running around and shooting zombies. And what’s with the ads interupting the flow!?!? I get that if this game was free (don’t remember, I’ve been playing it for years…) that you want ad revenue but I’d prefer and unobtrusive banner over a page I have to click through. I personally don’t like the demons either, I like to think I’m shooting I Am Legend zombies instead of little satans running around. The ONLY thing I like is that they can climb the ladders. That would make it more fun if the above mentioned “updates” hadn’t been made.
Media Freak about Shotgun FunFun HD